Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lesson 1 : Defining Creativity

Or creativity is one of the definition being explored is-the generation of new idea or a new way of doing things. Everyone in the world thought only an artists is creative, how about an engineer, teachers and extra?? Everyone in

this world can called as a CREATIVE as long they follow the principles being creative.

1 : Hard work

2: Attitude

3: Practice

This is my friend's artwork.His name is Teddy Adriama Nasril .People usually call him Ted .He was a graphic designer but now he continue his studies in Majoring Of Media Art.
When I see the artwork I can see his passion in art.He is very talented person.From his artwork I
always get an idea to make my artwork.Furthermore,experience when seeing other people artwork that good is really tough for me.

"If you really want something you can figure out how to make it" by Cher


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